Speak Of The Devil

Yeezy & Me vs The People

As humans, we are so quick to judge. So quick to react and feel that we know what’s best for others, especially when we’re not connected to them on an emotional level. Famous people or people in the public eye are the easiest to target because, ultimately, they are generally not connected to us. They’re a distant idolised image of what we may want our lives to be and, sometimes, we instinctually attack what they say and do. Because we feel like we can. Rather than seeking to understand, we find our assumptions and run with them. We’re all guilty of it. And that needs to stop.

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To all the boys that think I owe them something

One day might be different from another. We could have flow, I might be feeling a spark and become engrossed in a conversation which may allude to the idea of us meeting for a drink, going on a date and, yes, potentially even hooking up. But then another day may come around—where I realise that it was a heat of the moment feeling, and suddenly I’m starting to feel uncomfortable. I may have a gut feeling, alarm bells may start to ring, and I may decide to rebuke past feelings/ideas in order to appease my current state of mind.

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